Monday, June 03, 2013

Wise by Mistake

Had I thought for just a moment,
I would not have been so bold,
reckless, thoughtless, childish -
all truth for comfort sold.

Had I more than fleeting moments,
seen beyond that rosy haze,
I would have reconsidered -
not gotten lost inside the maze.

Had I not become complacent,
yes, not reverted back to form,
then I would not be dwelling
on the dangers of the storm.

Alas, these sharpened glasses
only work to see the past,
my wisdom is but fleeting,
but mistakes - they seem to last.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Photography at Oscar II's Fort

Access Forbidden
As is photography and depiction
Punishable by law

Yes, the text reads just as awkwardly in Swedish.

 Once every four years the 'Secret Rooms' of Sweden are opened up to the public. This weekend was it for 2012 and I visited the 20th century stronghold Oscar II:s Fort. Built in 1907, the fort was to be the modern seat of military prowess on the western front.

The planning was somewhat off though, and after 1930 the fort stayed only marginally in use. In 1955 it was completely decommissioned and has been largely empty since that time. A few years ago parts of the fort were opened up for visitors, but only for scheduled and private viewings.

Still, the fort rests largerly in quietude; a witness to days long past. Despite its excellent location overlooking Gothenburg's archipelage, the whole site is usually closed off. As well it should be, at least as things stand right now. There are many places in which to take an unlucky tumble down razor straight walls, making one suspect that the layout itself is as much of a defense as the old machine guns and canons.

Posing on this picture is my lovely friend Karin

Despite the clear dangers of having hundreds of people jostling around on the narrow pathways and stony hills there were no accidents, as far as this writer is aware. Exploring the ruin was great fun for the whole family, no doubt. The kids, big and small, sure seemed to enjoy their stay.

When battlements have turned into playgrounds, you know you've done something right.

I really wanted those boxes, just saying.

Did I mention the rust? It was everywhere.

All in all Oscar II's Fort feels almost idyllic where it lies blasted into the rock. It's strange how a military stronghold can feel so peaceful, but it really does, like an old warrior gone to a final rest by the sea.

Let's hope more than just the Swedish forts go to a well deserved rest in the 21th century.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Long Way Back

Double-tap left, hard punch right.
Double-tap left, hard punch right.
And I keep on going.

Kick left, punch right, punch left.
Kick right, punch left, punch right.
A familiar rhythm.

I sweat like I used to,
drops flowing down.

I don't kick like I used to.
I don't punch like I used to.
Guard is forever though,
same as it ever was.

Double-tap left, hard punch right.
Can't do sun salutations anymore,
but I can do this.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Drink the Bones

Still not Halloween, but one vector illustration of a skull deserves another. Or something.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Musings on the Journey

They never ask you what you see, when you stare out the window. They never ask and you never tell, because some things are better left to the imagination of others. When the night is so dark you almost forget the stars, you stare into a flickering flame instead. And your thoughts keep on wandering, always wandering.

They never tell you to stop believing, but it's implied, in so many small and heartbreaking ways. You answer the unspoken sentiment with unspoken reassurances. It does not matter if they believe in you - someday, somehow, you will have proven yourself. Till that day you keep watching, you keep thinking, and you keep working toward your dream.

Some journeys take longer than others, but that does not mean they're not worth the fare.

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

I Need Coffee

Good morning. Here's a vector illustration of some coffee. Not that I drink that stuff, but this early in the am I kinda wish I did.

Have a good one!

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Memento Mori

No, it's not Halloween, but when has that stopped anyone from doing Halloween illustrations? Certainly doesn't stop me showing you this bit of vector fun I came up with.